Friday, February 27, 2015

America, The Perfect Mix 2-27-15

America, The Perfect Mix

From all over the world, people have traveled
To make up our country’s reputation, that has unraveled
Knowledge and information, is something that we seek
Through all these humans, some loud, some meek

Unique colors, sizes, language, and shapes
Some in perfect condition, some with bruises and scrapes
Although know to not judge a book by it’s cover
Personality is how we define one another

New facts on food, religion, and clothes we’ll discover today
Communication and bondings, what better way
To satisfy our yearn
For more and more, about nations, to learn

Slight controversies, and disagreements, sure, there might be some tension
But the collaboration and agreements, should be given our attention
We are titled, and nicknamed, the Melting Pot
Pride we should take, from that, a lot

1 comment:

  1. This is a great poem. I really liked how you added rhyme. Great job!
